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Meet the man
behind the posts

I am a unique, free spirited, inspiring Educator who embraces life, holistic wellness, happiness and proudly being different.  I empower individuals to believe in themselves, to be confident and to be holistically healthy so they can be the very best versions of themselves.


I am an Adult Educator in Vocational Education as well as a School Teacher with Victorian Teacher Registration. I have also been a Deputy Principal and Acting Principal of some large primary schools in Queensland as well as National Training Manager of one of Australia’s largest Registered Training Organisations.


I hold a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma of Teaching, Certificates IV TAE 40116 and TAE 40110 in Training & Assessment, Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) CHC33015 and Certificate III in Aged Care CHC30208.  I hold a current Victorian WWC card and the NDIS Worker Screening card.


​In 1983, whilst living in regional Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia, I made the fateful decision to lead a straight life, because I was quite simply too scared to be gay, thinking you could actually do such a thing, until it all came crashing down on me from 2003 onwards, with devastating consequences for my now ex-wife and our two sons.


In 2007, I ended my marriage and came out.  Since then, I have been evolving with professional support and these days, lead a fully authentic life being the very best version of myself.


In December, 2023, I returned to Bargara, in the Bundaberg region, to rewrite that fateful chapter of my life between 1982-1985.


I have now re-written that chapter of my life and now continue my evolving journey of self-growth and self-actualisation in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, following my holiday there in June 2024.


This BLOG is my journey in this process of becoming the very best version of myself and explains what I have learned along the way to get me to where I am today.


Magical dreams can happen when you believe in yourself.  I always dreamt of being truly happy and never gave up on myself being able to achieve this. 


It might have taken a while, but I worked it out and this Blog is my way as an educator of showing you how I did it.


I recommend starting from my very first post as there is a planned order to how I am sequencing this Blog.


For a full version of My Personal Story, visit my website by clicking this button.

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