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I always thought I hated sport

I always thought I hated sport, and I carried this attitude for almost 50 years, until last year when I met two friends associated with The Brisbane Hustlers.

Steve Bevan and Mitch Hennessey introduced me to their team, and from that I realised it’s not sports I hated, it’s the toxic culture that goes with it.

The culture around The Brisbane Hustlers is amazing.

I know there are other teams like them in all sorts of different sports, it’s just a shame I only discovered them last year.

So a day after IDAHOBIT 2024, I’m sharing The Brisbane Hustlers post about IDAHOBIT because homophobia around sport was a significant factor in that fateful decision I made in 1983, when I was too scared to accept being gay.

Sure it is a lot better now, but it is still problematic for many people as even professional players still make headlines in to this day and are fined for homophobic slurs, even as recent as last week here in Australia.

So much more needs to be done around inclusion and acceptance in sport. Sport is amazing, but equally very discouraging for many.

I have missed out on close to 50 years of its benefits. Let's all work together so this is not the norm!

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